Bernice Gerchak

Bernice Gerchak

Friendly tv buff. Freelance pop culture maven. Devoted pop culture junkie. Infuriatingly humble twitter geek. Passionate travelaholic. Amateur travel aficionado.

43 Author´s Articles
What is a phase 4 clinical trial?

What is a phase 4 clinical trial?

In a phase 4 trial, any rare or long-term effects of the drug can be seen in a much larger population of patients and...

What are the phases of clinical trials?

What are the phases of clinical trials?

Each phase is designed to answer certain questions. Answering these questions, while giving as few people as possible an...

What are the basic steps of a clinical trial?

What are the basic steps of a clinical trial?

Phases of clinical trials explained in detail.Phase I trials test whether a new treatment is safe and look for the best...

What is the difference between a phase 3 and phase 4 clinical trial?

What is the difference between a phase 3 and phase 4 clinical trial?

Phase 3 is the final phase before a treatment receives FDA approval. After FDA approval, a treatment goes through Phase...

What is meant by clinical trials?

What is meant by clinical trials?

Clinical trials are research studies conducted in people who aim to evaluate a medical, surgical, or behavioral...

What is a phase 3 clinical trial?

What is a phase 3 clinical trial?

Phase III clinical trials compare the safety and effectiveness of the new treatment with the current standard treatment....

What are the 4 stages of clinical trials?

What are the 4 stages of clinical trials?

Phases of clinical trialsPhase 1 Clinical trial. The purpose of Phase 1 is to ensure that treatment is safe in humans and ...

What are the six phases of clinical trials?

What are the six phases of clinical trials?

Each phase is designed to answer certain questions. Answering these questions, while giving as few people as possible an...

What are the 4 phases of drug trials?

What are the 4 phases of drug trials?

Each stage of a clinical trial has its own purpose of ensuring that a treatment is safe and effective for public use,...

Is clinical research hard work?

Is clinical research hard work?

Although it can be difficult, since you will be working with and managing researchers, as well as managing study...

What are the five most common types of clinical trials?

What are the five most common types of clinical trials?

Types of Clinical TrialsPilot Studies and Feasibility Studies, Prevention Trials, Screening Trials, Treatment Trials,...

What are the 5 phases of clinical trials?

What are the 5 phases of clinical trials?

When preclinical research yields a promising drug, a phase 0 trial can be used to determine if it behaves as expected...

What are the types of clinical trials?

What are the types of clinical trials?

Types of Clinical TrialsPilot Studies and Feasibility Studies, Prevention Trials, Screening Trials, Treatment Trials,...

What is a phase 5 clinical trial?

What is a phase 5 clinical trial?

Phase 5 clinical trials are commonly referred to as “post-marketing clinical trials.”. If a new treatment is...

What is a phase 4 trial?

What is a phase 4 trial?

A type of clinical trial that studies the side effects caused over time by a new treatment after it has been approved and ...

What is an example of a clinical trial?

What is an example of a clinical trial?

For example, a clinical trial could include new drugs, medical devices, biologics, vaccines, surgical treatments and...

What are the main types of clinical trials?

What are the main types of clinical trials?

ClinicalTrials, gov includes interventional and observational studies. Medical research studies involving people are...

What are the three clinical trials?

What are the three clinical trials?

There are 3 main phases of clinical trials: phases 1 to 3.Phase 1 trials are the earliest phase trials and phase 3 are...

How much money can you make doing clinical trials?

How much money can you make doing clinical trials?

The amount you pay to participate in a clinical trial varies from study to study. Some range in hundreds of dollars,...

What are phase 3 and 4 clinical trials?

What are phase 3 and 4 clinical trials?

Phase 3 is the final phase before a treatment receives FDA approval. After FDA approval, a treatment goes through Phase...

What is stage 4 of a clinical trial?

What is stage 4 of a clinical trial?

A type of clinical trial that studies the side effects caused over time by a new treatment after it has been approved and ...

Can you earn a living from clinical trials?

Can you earn a living from clinical trials?

Clinical trials can generate hundreds or even thousands. But it's not necessarily easy to get into them, or go through...

How does the clinical trial process work?

How does the clinical trial process work?

One group receives an existing treatment for a condition and the second group receives a new treatment. Researchers then...

What are the 4 types of clinical trials?

What are the 4 types of clinical trials?

Types of Clinical TrialsPilot Studies and Feasibility Studies, Prevention Trials, Screening Trials, Treatment Trials,...

What is a clinical trial and how does it work?

What is a clinical trial and how does it work?

A clinical trial is a research study conducted in humans aimed at answering specific questions about new therapies,...

What do most clinical trials consist of?

What do most clinical trials consist of?

ClinicalTrials, gov currently includes 414, 752 studies with locations in all 50 states and 220 countries. Clinical...

How many phases are there in a clinical trial?

How many phases are there in a clinical trial?

There are 3 main phases of clinical trials: phases 1 to 3.Phase 1 trials are the earliest phase trials and phase 3 are...

What are the 4 Phases of FDA Clinical Trials?

What are the 4 Phases of FDA Clinical Trials?

Once a clinical trial is completed, researchers carefully examine all data collected before making a final determination...

What are the 3 types of clinical trials?

What are the 3 types of clinical trials?

Types of clinical trialsInterventional trials aim to learn more about a particular intervention or treatment....

What is phase 4 of a pharmacological trial?

What is phase 4 of a pharmacological trial?

A type of clinical trial that studies the side effects caused over time by a new treatment after it has been approved and ...

What is the most common type of clinical trial?

What is the most common type of clinical trial?

There are two main types of trials or studies: interventional and. Medical research studies involving people are called...

How much do phase 1 clinical trials pay?

How much do phase 1 clinical trials pay?

This empirical study focused on the question of how much healthy volunteers actually earn from participating in the...

What is it like to work in clinical research?

What is it like to work in clinical research?

The main responsibilities are clinical monitoring, monitoring the progress of the clinical trial on site and ensuring...

What are the steps in the clinical trial process?

What are the steps in the clinical trial process?

Phases of clinical trialsPhase 1 Clinical trial. The purpose of Phase 1 is to ensure that treatment is safe in humans and ...

Can you make a living doing clinical trials?

Can you make a living doing clinical trials?

The answer is yes, you can be paid for study-related time and travel for participating in most clinical trials. The...

Are clinical trials a good career?

Are clinical trials a good career?

The clinical research industry is a highly lucrative and expanding field. As momentum for new vaccines and treatments...

Which clinical trials pay the most?

Which clinical trials pay the most?

The therapeutic area may also impact the payment of cardiovascular diseases, neurology, endocrine, gastrointestinal and...

How many phases are there in clinical trials?

How many phases are there in clinical trials?

There are 3 main phases of clinical trials: phases 1 to 3.Phase 1 trials are the earliest phase trials and phase 3 are...

Is clinical research stressful?

Is clinical research stressful?

First, a career in clinical research can be overwhelming. It can be filled with exhausting unpredictability, long hours...